Dark Supreme (ex-Féroces, Gantz) : nouveau morceau en écoute

Dark Supreme (projet solo de Joss, ex-Gantz et Féroces, boss du label Impure Muzik) vient de dévoiler le dernier morceau de son premier EP intitulé The Shape Of Dark To Come.

Voici donc « When Are You Coming Home? », réalisé en collaboration avec Winona Wedder et inspiré par le classique de Darren Aronofsky, Requiem For A Dream

Tracklist :

1. All those moments will be lost in time like tears in rain

Inspired by the Rain and Blade Runner from Ridley Scott

2.You don’t know who you are featuring Anna Zulawski

Inspired by Possession from Andrezj Zulawski and Insane Isabelle Adjani performance

3. Hell is for heroes

Inspired by Ténèbres from Dario Argento and my horror teenage movie culture

4. When are you coming home ? featuring Winona Wedder

Inspired by Darren Aronofsky Master Piece, Requiem For A Dream

5. Nobody trusts anybody

Inspired by this shitty situation, all hidden liars, and of course, The Thing by John Carpenter